Character Art/Sketchbook

A collection on character designs and concept art from various fanart prints, original designs and ideas. I enjoy capturing detail in my linework.

  • Below is a collection of 7 illustrations featuring characters or creatures from various anime series, made as 11x17 prints. Some prints take me up to 3 days on average(breaks, and sleep included!), while others like Pokemon and toothless take me 1-2 days to complete. It all depends on the level of detail and the amount of characters in the drawing.

Below are some illustrations and concept sketches in a more cartoon style. I enjoy working in different styles and mixing two styles together. Such as having a round cartoony face but more realistic proportions and so on.

Below this point are original character designs, concept art and "WIPS"(work in progress)

Above: (left) initial concept with a rgh color palette. (right) Beginning the inking process.

Above(right): initial concept for a character design   (left)beginning the inking process of the design.
(Above)rough sketch for some concept art
(Above)lineart and some retweaking of the pose and proportions before finalizing and adding more detail. Working to combine "athletic" but stylish and sexy while sticking to a minimal color palette at the same time.

(above)Detailed headshot. I wanted to focus on details, specifically in the hair and the ornate head/hair pieces and the 'neck brace'